主持或参与国家自然科学基金等国家级项目4项,主持省部级项目3项,企业委托项目2项,相关成果在Scripta Materialia、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering A、Journal of Materials Processing Technology等国际期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,授权国家发明专利7项,在国际学术会议上做大会报告5次。
(5)江西省科技厅自然科学基金青年重点 高性能铜合金中亚稳析出共格相的高温调控机制研究,20192ACBL21012。
(1)Huaichao Peng, Weibin Xie, Huiming Chen, Hang Wang*, Bin Yang, Effect of micro-alloying element Ti on mechanical properties of Cu–Cr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 852,157004, 2021.
(2)Yuehui Liao, Mingwang Xie, Huiming Chen, Weibin Xie, Hang Wang*, Bin Yang, Thermodynamics and kinetics of discontinuous precipitation in Cu-9Ni-xSn alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827, 154314, 2020.
(3)Huiming Chen, Dawei Yuan, Webin Xie, Jianbo Zhang, Hang Wang*, Bin Yang, A novel route for strengthening copper rods: Non-solution heat treatment combined with pre-aging, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 274, 116290, 2019.
(4)Jihui Yuan,Liukui Gong, Wenqin Zhang, Bin Zhang, Haigen Wei, Xiangpeng Xiao, Hang Wang*, Bin Yang, Work softening behavior of Cu-Cr-Ti-Si alloy during cold deformation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8, 1964-1970, 2019.
(5)Hang Wang, Liukui Gong, Jinfa Liao, Huiming Chen, Weibin Xie, Bin Yang*, Restraining meta-stable fcc-Cr phase by restraining nucleation of equilibrium bcc-Cr phase in CuCrZrTi alloys during ageing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 749, 140-145, 2018.
(6)Hang Wang, Genfeng Shang, Jinfa Liao, Bin Yang*, Chen Yuan, Experimental investigations and thermodynamic calculations of the interface reactions between ceramic moulds and Ni-based single-crystal superalloys: Role of solubility of Y in the LaAlO3 phase, Ceramics International, 44, 349-355, 2018.
(7)Haibo Wang, Huiming Chen, Yue Ma, Hang Wang*,Phase equilibria of the La-Y system: a metastable samarium-type LaY intermetallic compound, Thermochimica Acta, 661, 41-50, 2018.
(8)Jinfa Liao, Hang Wang*, TzuYu Chen, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of Ni-Al-La ternary system in nickel-rich region: A new intermetallic compound Ni2AlLa, Materials, 11, 2396, 2018.